Monday, April 13, 2009

New offical blizzard ulduar Trailer, Blizzard teasing us?

Well a new ulduar cinematic has been released, is blizzard just teasing us with this new patch, or is it for real? You think with all this new exciting stuff being released and talked about tonight that the patch would be coming out tomorrow, but yet there is only extended downtime on some realms. Well at this point i just cant tell, they are clearing making it too hard to judge for me and just keeping me on my toes. Well enjoy the cinematic and keep your fingers crossed for the patch tomorrow. I will be here tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM CST to bring you the latest.

Eyonix talks about Battleground Queuing in 3.1

Eyonix made a blue post and talked about Battleground Queuing in patch 3.1 and said you will not be able to Queue for a battleground while you are dead, obviously this would take the fun out of camping for the campers out there, you know who you are... He also mentioned that if you queue while in flight you will be placed in a designated area when you leave the battleground, and also mentioned that is a known issue and he is working on getting specific details and will provide an update as soon as possible.

As many of you know, one of the new features going into patch 3.1.0 is the ability to queue for battlegrounds from any location. With that being said, we wanted to inform players that while you can queue from any location, it's not possible to queue while dead.

Q u o t e:
After the Battleground is over will you return to where you were or will you be placed in the nearest city?

You will return to the location you queued. There is a "known issue" if you queue and accept to enter a battleground while in flight, where you will placed in a designated area. I'm working on getting specific details and will provide an update as soon as possible.

Hint of 3.1 by Wryxian

UPDATE 9:08PM CST: Well afterall maybe there will not be a patch tomorrow? There has been extended downtime on only a few servers. Then again maybe blizzard has us in for a surprise. My assumption is that they are going to make sure the list of realms below are ready for the patch either later on this week or next Tuesday. Well who knows i guess we will have to wait and see.

Antonidas, Anub' arak, blackwater raiders, bladefist, borean tundra, cairne, cenarion circle, cenarius, darrowmere, Drak ' Tharon , drenden, Echo Isles, Farstriders, Fenris, Garrosh, Hydraxis, Hyjal, Korialstrasz, Lightbringer, Maiev, Misha, Mok' Nathal, Moon Guard, Nazgrel, Nesingwary, Nordassil, Quel' Dorei, Revenholdt, rivendare, shandris, Shu'halo, sisters of elune, the forgotten coast, tortheldrin, uther, vashj, winterhoof, wyrmrest Accord.

You can find this information on your login screen, you may have to restart wow.

UPDATE 8:26PM CST: mmo-champion and wowinsider claiming they have "resources" and they know that the patch is coming out tomorrow, hopefully this is true. Stay tuned for more updates.

UPDATE--- PTR forums have been shutdown, and news of the PTR being shut down also, good news that the patch will be tomorrow, GET READY FOR ULDUAR!!!!

Wryxian posted on the EU forums today hinting of the 3.1 patch being this week.

*Wryxian carefully checks the thread title before posting*

The patch is definitely coming... shortly.

Q u o t e:
This will be incredible....if it still happens. I'm sceptical due to the severe lack of info on this from any kind of Blue or other person in the i'll reserve my happiness and joy until it actually gets implemented.!
The "severe lack of info" might simply be because we announced it, gave further details about it, put it up on the PTR for testing and now we are basically on the verge of releasing it.

We certainly haven't been quiet about it. It is coming. And it is coming... soo... er... promptly.

Well hopefully the patch will be tomorrow, but we still cannot be sure about it. On the bright side if the patch does not come out tomorrow we will see that patch next Tuesday April 21st. Well stay here for more updates from the forums and hopefully within the next few hours we will see if there is extended downtime planned for tomorrow. Cross your fingers, and be prepared for ulduar!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Its that time of year again, another holiday is here and it is time for noblegarden. Wait.... well actually it looks like no one will be at their computers today picking up eggs because there is no noblegarden. As most people already know noblegarden was delayed for the next incoming patch. Well everyone have a good easter no matter what you doing, playing wow or at your family's house.

Sarth 3d 10 man Speed run

I found this video to be very interesting, i never knew that you could down sarth 3d without actually killing the drakes, i now have also heard that you can do it on 25 man too? I'm just curious if this is illegal or not and if you can get ban for it, after all i would probably rather down sarth 3d the way it was meant to be downed, otherwise it is not just a real challenge. Then again my guild also just downed 25 man sarth 3d Wednesday which was very exciting for everyone but also took a lot of time to down. Well i am ready for ulduar now that i have killed every WoTLK raid boss! Bring on the hard modes!

Click on the image for the link to the video.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blizzard awares of E-Mail Scamming

Some of you may have gotten emails asking for your account information or something similar to that. Do not fall for these emails, your account will get hacked. All emails will always come from a email account and will never ask for your account information. Like the picture to the side it can take you to a site that looks like the blizzard website but is not and may scam you once you enter your information or give you a computer virus such as a log tracker. If you get an email and are not sure if it is from a blizzard employee you can always call blizzard up and ask them. Remember not to fall for these emails.

Resto druid Changes in Patch 3.1

  • All Classes

    • Spirit: The amount of mana regeneration granted by this stat has been reduced by 40%.


  • Abolish Poison: Now ticks every 3 seconds, up from every 2. Now lasts 12 seconds, up from 8.
  • Innervate: This spell no longer costs mana.
  • Lifebloom: Mana cost of all ranks doubled. When
  • Lifebloom blooms or is dispelled, it now refunds half the base mana cost of the spell per application of Lifebloom, and the heal effect is multiplied by the number of applications.
  • Talents
    • Restoration
      • Living Seed: This talent now accounts for total healing including overhealing.
      • Improved Mark of the Wild: Now also increases all of your total attributes by 1/2%.
      • Intensity: Now grants 17/33/50% of mana regeneration while casting.
      • New Talent: Improved Barkskin: Increases the damage reduction granted by your Barkskin spell by 5/10%, and increases your resistance to Dispel mechanics by an additional 30/60% while under the effect of Barkskin.
      • Improved Regrowth: This talent is renamed Nature’s Bounty. Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth and Nourish spells by 5/10/15/20/25%.
      • Replenish: This talent is now re-named Revitalize and also works with Wild Growth.
      • Tree of Life: Now receives 240% increased armor. You can now use Nature's Grasp and Thorns while within this form. Mana cost reduced to match the cost of Travel Form.
As you may think that druids will be getting a HUGE nerf due to the 40% spirit nerf, dont stop stacking spirit, the talent intensity will make up for this since it is getting a HUGE BUFF! Restoration druids are now only losing 10% spirit instead of the 40% everyone else is getting. Yes fellow druids keep stacking the spirit, it will not be a big nerf to us in the next patch and should not effect our mana.

You can find the rest of the Patch notes here

Patch 3.1 April 14 or April 21?

As a lot of you may know, patch 3.1 will most likely be coming out April 14 or April 21st, but what everyone is wanting to know is, what day will it be? It seems like blizzard is really wanting to get this patch out, they have already canceled the gear manager due to glitches in the next patch. Blizz has also been saying that arena season 5 will be ending april 14th and that it will be a few weeks before arena season 6 starts, this could tell us that the patch is coming out April 21st or possibly later? At this point who knows when the patch will come out, my guess is if the PTR shuts down Monday night there is a high probability that the patch will be released on tuesday. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

New Blog

Right now im just getting the hang of this blog and setting everything up, il start posting soon =)