Monday, April 13, 2009

Hint of 3.1 by Wryxian

UPDATE 9:08PM CST: Well afterall maybe there will not be a patch tomorrow? There has been extended downtime on only a few servers. Then again maybe blizzard has us in for a surprise. My assumption is that they are going to make sure the list of realms below are ready for the patch either later on this week or next Tuesday. Well who knows i guess we will have to wait and see.

Antonidas, Anub' arak, blackwater raiders, bladefist, borean tundra, cairne, cenarion circle, cenarius, darrowmere, Drak ' Tharon , drenden, Echo Isles, Farstriders, Fenris, Garrosh, Hydraxis, Hyjal, Korialstrasz, Lightbringer, Maiev, Misha, Mok' Nathal, Moon Guard, Nazgrel, Nesingwary, Nordassil, Quel' Dorei, Revenholdt, rivendare, shandris, Shu'halo, sisters of elune, the forgotten coast, tortheldrin, uther, vashj, winterhoof, wyrmrest Accord.

You can find this information on your login screen, you may have to restart wow.

UPDATE 8:26PM CST: mmo-champion and wowinsider claiming they have "resources" and they know that the patch is coming out tomorrow, hopefully this is true. Stay tuned for more updates.

UPDATE--- PTR forums have been shutdown, and news of the PTR being shut down also, good news that the patch will be tomorrow, GET READY FOR ULDUAR!!!!

Wryxian posted on the EU forums today hinting of the 3.1 patch being this week.

*Wryxian carefully checks the thread title before posting*

The patch is definitely coming... shortly.

Q u o t e:
This will be incredible....if it still happens. I'm sceptical due to the severe lack of info on this from any kind of Blue or other person in the i'll reserve my happiness and joy until it actually gets implemented.!
The "severe lack of info" might simply be because we announced it, gave further details about it, put it up on the PTR for testing and now we are basically on the verge of releasing it.

We certainly haven't been quiet about it. It is coming. And it is coming... soo... er... promptly.

Well hopefully the patch will be tomorrow, but we still cannot be sure about it. On the bright side if the patch does not come out tomorrow we will see that patch next Tuesday April 21st. Well stay here for more updates from the forums and hopefully within the next few hours we will see if there is extended downtime planned for tomorrow. Cross your fingers, and be prepared for ulduar!

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