Sunday, May 31, 2009

Trade Skill Sunday

Well today is Sunday, and i am bringing up a new post every Sunday called Trade Skill Sunday. On Trade Skill Sunday i will talk about Professions and how to make money with them. Today i will be talking about mining. Mining is a gathering skill that can be used to make a lot of money. My tips to make money with mining is to farm cobalt ore, a good place to farm cobalt ore is Howling Fjord, i suggest an addon such as Gatherer or Gathermate for the farming. cobalt ore cannot only be sold in the Auction House for a high price sometimes but when the price in the Auction House is low you can use the cobalt ore and smelt it into bars. With the bars talk to a blacksmith (remember to tip well) and have the blacksmith make you Cobalt Legplates, Use the Cobalt Legplates and disenchant them with your enchanting or you can have a friend do it for you. With mining you can also sell your Titansteel cooldown if you do not want to farm it yourself, normally you can buy the mats for the cooldown off the Auction House and sell the Titansteel bar for more, someone is always looking for Titansteel bars to make stuff. If your looking for a good place to farm you can go to Scholazar Basin and farm Saronite Nodes and Titanium Nodes. You can use the mats you get from mining in Sholazar to make the titansteel bar once a day. Another good idea is to farm saronite ore, with the saronite ore you can prospect with jewelcrafting and then sell the outcome in the Auction House for a good price. Once again if you do not have Jewelcrafting you can always have a friend prospect it for you too, once again make sure you tip them. =) Well that's it for this Sunday's very first Trade Skill sunday, next week we bring you tips with Herbalism.


If your tired of wow here is a very addicting game to play for about an hour or so, blizzard released Failoc-alypse for everyone to play while waiting for blizzcon tickets. I played it and thought it was really fun, played for about an hour and lost track of time. Have fun playing.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Blizzcon Tickets are SOLD OUT

Did you get blizzcon tickets this year? Well they went on sale for the last time today and were sold out within 30 minutes, the same time as they were sold out last week when they went on sale. I've seen people going on to servers trying to buy blizzcon tickets with gold and trying to sell them for gold, and in my opinion you should not do this. If someone is trying to sell the tickets to you, it is most likely you are going to get scammed and lose tons of gold over it. If your the one trying to sell tickets and they want you to send them before the gold, well obviously dont do that either, but then again who would give up blizzcon tickets for gold in the game? I know i sure in the hell would not. Everyone going to blizzcon be safe and have fun this year at blizzcon. Also im sure you can find tons of blizzcon tickets on ebay but most likely for high prices.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Podcast Tonight @ 7PM CST

Dont miss our podcast tonight at 7PM CST! We will air it live starting at 7PM CST and if you miss it we will have it on the side of the website all week, thanks for watching everyone. Also if you have a question to ask us hop in the live chat, we will do a Q & A section at the end of the show, ask us whatever you like or you can send it to

Thursday, May 28, 2009

WoW Machinima: Honor Kills (Featuring A6)

Here is this weeks Machinima by Nhym.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Night Elf Bear Form's

The Night Elf Druid Bear forms were released today by blizzard, you will be able to customize your form at a barber shop by changing your hair design. If you go down more to the blog from yesterday those are the Tauren bear forms. Also don't forget if you have any questions you can email us at, and subscribe on twitter! 500 followers and we will give out free TCG loot card codes, for FREE! Good night.

Podcast This Friday

Instead of doing the podcast this Sunday we will do the podcast this Friday at 7PM CST. It will also be held Thursday Next week at 7PM CST since i will be out of town both weekends. Thanks for watching everyone and don't forget to follow us on twitter, if we get 500 followers we will give out some free TCG loot card codes.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

3.1.3 Patch notes Released!

World of Warcraft Client Patch 3.1.3

The latest patch notes can always be found at
The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at

Death Knights

  • Frost Presence: Armor bonus is now 60% down from 80%.


  • Improved Barkskin: This talent now also grants 80/160% additional armor while in Travel Form or not shapeshifted.
  • Improved Tree of Life: The armor bonus to Tree of Life Form from this talent has been reduced to 67/133/200% bonus armor.


  • Hunter's Mark: The ranged attack power bonus from this ability has been increased from 300 to 500.
  • Master Marksman: This talent now also decreases the cost of Aimed Shot and Chimera Shot by 5/10/15/20/25%.


  • Eye For An Eye: This talent now deals 5/10% of the critical strike damage taken by the paladin back at the attacker.
  • Hand of Freedom: The base duration of this buff has been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.


  • Overkill: Talent redesigned. Now increases energy regeneration by 30% while stealthed, and for 20 seconds after breaking stealth.


  • Chaos Bolt: This spell no longer ignores damage reduction effects of the target.


  • Blood Frenzy: This talent now provides 5/10% haste instead of 3/6%.
  • Bloodthirst: Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds, and rage cost reduced from 30 rage to 20 rage.
  • Juggernaut: This talent now also increases the cooldown on Charge by 5 seconds.


  • Death Knight PvP Gauntlets: The chance to refresh a Frost Rune when casting Chains of Ice has been removed. When equipped, these gloves now generate 5 additional runic power whenever Chains of Ice is used.


  • Ulduar

    • Mimiron

      • The flight time of Rocket Strikes has been increased, and Rocket Strikes will try to prefer players at range.
      • The Leviathan Mk II component of the V-07-TR-0N will become stunned during Phase 4 when the VX-001 component begins to cast the P3Wx2 Laser Barrage ability.
      • Proximity mines now deal less damage and have a lower duration. A small arming time has also been added so proximity mines will not immediately detonate on creation.

Bug Fixes

  • Druid Tier 8 Balance Set: The 4-piece bonus no longer has its effect consumed by Starfire casts in progress when it triggers. The chance for the effect to be triggered has been reduced down to 8%, as it was originally inflated to compensate.
  • Ice Layered Barrier: Upgraded to item level 232. In addition, the stats in the tooltip have been correctly adjusted to 78 spell power, 48 haste rating, 16 mana per 5 seconds, 52 Intellect, and 50 Stamina.
  • Pulsing Spellshield: The stats listed in the tooltip for this item were incorrect and have been adjusted. This item provides 69 spell power, 34 haste rating, 42 critical strike rating, 45 intellect, and 45 stamina.

New Bear Form Art !

  • 0. New Druid Art Coming Soon 05/26/2009 10:02:11 AM PDT
quote reply
New art for two druid forms, cat and bear, are coming in the next major content patch. As this has been a much-anticipated update for druids, we'd like to give you a first look at the fresh designs. We'll be offering up the new art for night elf and tauren druid forms in four installments. To kick things off today, let's start with a preview of the new textures available for tauren bear form. Take a glimpse at the new feature and art:
On the Under Devlopment page
In our next major content patch, druids will find a host of new textures for two major forms, cat and bear. There will be five different designs for each of these forms for the Horde and Alliance. Night elves can choose to change their cat and bear look at any time by visiting the barber shop and changing their character's hair color, while tauren will be able to change which look they use by switching skin tones in the barber shop -- a new feature for tauren in the next major content patch. Given that there are more hair colors and skin tones than unique form looks, some colors and tones will overlap with these new textures. The hair and skin colors chosen will, in most cases, correspond with the color seen in the look of each form. Some similar colors that may share a particular cat texture will not necessarily share the same bear texture.

We'd like to share with you this new art for each form and faction in four installments. So without further ado, our first preview is for the five new textures of the tauren druid bear form. We'll also show the current form design so you can easily see the extra detail and textures of the new art. Work continues on new looks for the remaining druid forms and we hope to add them in future content patches.

Been waiting for this for a long time! woot for us druids cant wait! Very sad to hear there is no art for trees...


Q u o t e:
Hopefully we can change it up between the different skins too, and aren't locked into chosing one and staying with it. Sure, the models aren't radically different, which I never really expected, but they do look very good overall.

I also couldn't help but notice that it continues the trend of bears in WoW having problems closing their mouths. ;)

You'll be able to visit the barber to change your hair color (skin tone for Tauren) and that will change the look of your bear and cat form based on the color choice. You'll be able to change as often as you like as long as you pay the barber's fee.

Also, in the screenshots the bears are roaring, but when just sitting normally, their mouths will close in a toothy grin so to speak.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Good Morning everyone, and memorial day is here, everyone have a fun and safe memorial day as you enjoy the day off. I myself will be going to Family's House, should be fun! Yes and to the right is the T himself Turpster, during the live wowinsider podcast on Saturday i snapped some screenshots of everyone. If you have not checked out the podcast head over to the site and check it out.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ghostcrawler post on the forums

Ghostcrawler posted on the forums answering some questions and giving us hints on future patches. The following can be seen below.

Q u o t e:
If you are getting unusually angry and disappointed responses from people who are normally reasonable, productive posters, and who you respect and who are normally respectful, perhaps you should look back at your own posts with a more critical eye, to see what provoked them?

"Blizzard made me post an angry message" is not an acceptable excuse. If I can't engage in the name-calling than neither can you.

Q u o t e:
It's understandable that you would not want a lot of complicated coding to make a set bonus work. But you are the one who designed the set bonus. If you want to replace it with one that provides the same kind of DPS boost, but has a much simpler mechanic, I don't think anyone will mind.

That was certainly one possible soultion. I was not trying to say "our hands are tied." I was just attempting to explain some of the "Blizzard so dumb when they could easily fix this" gibberish. Perhaps next time it will occur to some players that there might be a good reason why we haven't made an "obvious" fix.

Q u o t e:
There are lots of places that this thread went wrong. To start on our side - had the posters here been mindful of our words then perhaps we would not have come across as spiteful as we were. Sometimes it's easy to forget that Blizzard wants the same things we do - a game that is functional, balanced, and most important fun.

For the development side, I think had full disclosure been given from the start, the community reaction would not have been so grave. Had your first post stated what was in your last, then I doubt there would have been as much of an issue. Yes some would have been upset, but it seems unlikely that it would have been as strong as it was.

No harm done, amigo. I constantly learn on these forums that quick answers are seldom sufficient.

I do continually try to stress that logical arguments will win out over fiery emotions on these forums every time. As often happens, people at Blizzard were reading the thread and so we started discussing the issue until we came up with a solution. The system worked in this case, but it would have worked without responses like the following.

Q u o t e:
They never intended to fix the issue instead they want us to stop playing moonkins. I really dont see why we are in the game anymore.

We do not need silly stuff like this on the forums. Please do not make us ban our way towards that goal.

Q u o t e:
Any updates would be greatly appreciated GC.

We have a fix for the current set bonus to make it work the way you imagine it should at a 7 or 8% proc chance. It's our policy not to announce patch dates ahead of time, but it will be long before 3.2.

The Resto Druid Podcast

Well through a few technical difficulty's we managed to record the show this week for the first time and it was great! Thanks for watching everyone, next podcast sunday 7PM CST. Mature Language Warning.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Resto Druid Podcast Tomorrow!

Our Very First podcast will be hosted Tomorrow at 7PM CST! Be sure to tune in and listen, if you cant make it we will have it posted to the side bar on the right for everyone.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Grind to 80: Late Night Edition

Well you have a level 80 now, you have completed all your raiding for the night and yet your not tired and you dont want to go to bed. What is there to do? Oh wait... Level my alt! Then again leveling alts is very very boring for some of us or is just plain out fun. There are a few good addons out there that are helpful to help us level up to 80 with. If you already have an 80 or to now and you are just wanting to level a character to 80 but do not wanna go to the long boring process there is one more thing you can resort to... and no its not power leveling. It's Zygors Leveling guide. I have been using Zygors leveling guide the past few days and i have to admit it is a very good in game addon that will help you level from 1-80 rather fast. You can buy this from the Zygor leveling guide site i believe but i am not positive. You may be able to find a free copy somwhere on some torrent... /wink

Zarhym tells us more about Patch 3.2

posted on the forums and answered some questions. You can see it all below.

Q u o t e:
When will this exciting stuffs be on the PTR?

Yes it will. We don't have any dates to provide for this yet. :)

Yes, there will be a 5-player version, then a 10/25-player version. The bosses will be different for the two versions. Think Ring of Blood or Amphitheater of Anguish, but more epic.

Q u o t e:

So, it's Wg combined with AB?

If anything, Wintergrasp combined with Alterac Valley with a few more twists.

More to come later!

Blizzard Shop Talk - Under Development

Q u o t e:

Do you really think Ulduar achievements will last a year? Instances become stale after 6 months even with achievements. Yea 3.2 won't be till later this year and by then Ulduar will have been played to death and people will want something fun and new to do and not some small joke instance since we won't see Icecrown till April/May next year probably.

Achievements are nice but the same content is the same content regardless.

Would it help if I told you your presumed time lines are way too inflated? :)

Freya Ulduar Boss Kill, A Resto Druid Guide

Here is another video of ulduar.

Patch 3.2 Call of the Crusade

The following was posted today on the Development page by blizzard.

The upcoming major content patch, Call of the Crusade, will bring a host of new features for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.
  • The Argent Tournament Expands: With the help of Azeroth's heroes, the Argent Crusade will finish the Argent Coliseum just in time to call for all brave citizens to prepare for battle with the Lich King. New dailies, rewards, and more will be available at the Argent Tournament grounds to lure adventurers into the coliseum.

  • Crusaders' Coliseum: In order to prepare for a siege on Icecrown Citadel, players will be called by the Argent Crusade to test their mettle in the Coliseum. 5-player, 10-player, and 25-player challenges await inside.

  • New Battleground: Isle of Conquest, a new large-scale siege Battleground, will be open. The Horde and Alliance will battle head-to-head for control of strategic resources to lay siege to the keeps of their opponents.

  • New Arena Season: Season 7 will officially start, paving the way for all-new items and challenges.

This is rather exciting for me i didint expect for them to release this info this soon, so im assuming the PTR for this will be up soon. Im not much of a PvP'er so i really dont care about the Season 7 but everything sounds amazing, cant wait for the new PTR!

Vuhdo, The healing addon

If you are looking for one of the best healing addons out there i suggest getting Vuhdo. Vuhdo allows you to set up the main tanks in the raid and also connects with other healers vuhdo in your raid, so if all the healers in your guild use it then you have one person set up the tanks and they will show up for all the other people using the addon. Vuhdo is a simple addon to use, it comes included with a buff watch to tell you when people are missing a buff that you have and allows simple click healing. All you do is open up the options and set what buttons you would like to use and you just click, shift-click, ctrl-click etc.. to heal someone or cast a certain spell on them such as Revive, Abolish Poison, etc.... It also allows you to set up a "Private Tank" so if you are assigned to heal someone that is not on the tank list you can set it up there, also be aware you also need assist to set up the main tank list, so make sure you can get raid assitant for the addon. If you have never used a healing addon before and did it the old fashion way by pulling out frames i gaurentee you this will increase your healing by 10 to 20%! If you have any questions you can always leave a comment or email at

Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Heroic Ulduar!

We will be doing more Heroic ulduar tonight starting at 6PM CST! Once again we will be posting on twitter and right here on the blog! Stay here for boss updates and the loot that drops! Hopefully we will do some bosses after kologarn tonight.

UPDATE 6:32PM CST: Kologarn Dead!

Pattern: Spellslinger's Slippers(not found on armory)
Leggings of The Stoneweaver
Unfaltering Armguards,
Decimator's Armguards

UPDATE 7:19PM CST: Auriaya Down!

Shoulderplates of the Eternal,
Siren's Cry,
Ring of the Faithful Servant

UPDATE 9:04PM CST: Didint get Thorim down but we know the fight well now, well hopefully we will get it down Monday.

WoW machinima: The Jimmy Story

Every Thursday we will now post a Machinima video for everyone to watch and then talk about it on the podcast, the machinima for this week is The Jimmy Story, enjoy and dont forget to tune in Sunday at 7PM CST for our first podcast!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Heroic Ulduar tonight!

Throughout the evening i will be doing Heroic ulduar and i will keep everyone updated with our status on each boss and let you know when we down a boss along with a screen shot and what items dropped. Stay updated here through 6:00 - 9:00 PM CST.

UPDATE: Flame Levithan down
Iron Riveted War Helm
Glowing Ring of Reclamation
Freya's Choker of Warding ( I recieved, w00t)

Razorscale is DOwn!

Veranus' Bane

Libram of Discord
Bracers of the Broodmother (I received, w00t)
Runed orb

XT-002 Deconstructor down!
Brass-Lined Boots,
Mantle of Wavering Calm (i got woot!),
Sandals of Rash Temperament.

Girdle of Embers,
Totem of teh Dancing Flame,
Wristguards of The Firetender,
Runed Orb,
Fragment of Val' anyr

Iron Council in Down @ 9:08PM CST
Drape of the Lithe,
Handguards of the Enclave,
Rainments of The Iron Council,
Runed Orb

We are now done with ulduar for tonight, you can come back tommaro and see what other loot drops when we do kologarn and more starting at 6PM CST! Also dont forget to tune in sunday at 7PM CST to watch our very first WoW Podcast! This blog is not just the resto druid anymore, its the resto druid and Beyond!

We are now on Twitter!

Yep, we are now on twitter!
Follow us here
If we reach 500 followers we will give out FREE yep thats right FREE TCG loot card codes for certain items on our podcast! We also have a E-mail now feel free to mail us ideas for our podcast or any ideas for the blog, we are also looking for some more experienced bloggers who would like to post, email if you are interested there too.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our First Podcast

Just letting everyone know we will be starting our fist podcast this weekend on sunday at 7PM CST, we will have people that we play with on the show every week and we may throw a few things in there as we think of them.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thorim Kill Inside The Guantlet

This is the strategy guide for thorim going inside the Gauntlet. Keep the raid up and follow the video and you will be fine, stuns are a problem so keep people hotted up including the tank to make everything easier. Thanks for watching and i will have more videos from the rest of ulduar and also older raids soon. If you have any questions leave a comment on my youtube channel or on this post.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I will now be posting videos of 10 man boss strategies for the resto druid only and tips on how to heal each boss fight. You can view my first video of Hodir below.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm back!

After taking a break from WoW for a bit (much needed) im back and writing up my blog again, more post to come soon.