Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ghostcrawler post on the forums

Ghostcrawler posted on the forums answering some questions and giving us hints on future patches. The following can be seen below.

Q u o t e:
If you are getting unusually angry and disappointed responses from people who are normally reasonable, productive posters, and who you respect and who are normally respectful, perhaps you should look back at your own posts with a more critical eye, to see what provoked them?

"Blizzard made me post an angry message" is not an acceptable excuse. If I can't engage in the name-calling than neither can you.

Q u o t e:
It's understandable that you would not want a lot of complicated coding to make a set bonus work. But you are the one who designed the set bonus. If you want to replace it with one that provides the same kind of DPS boost, but has a much simpler mechanic, I don't think anyone will mind.

That was certainly one possible soultion. I was not trying to say "our hands are tied." I was just attempting to explain some of the "Blizzard so dumb when they could easily fix this" gibberish. Perhaps next time it will occur to some players that there might be a good reason why we haven't made an "obvious" fix.

Q u o t e:
There are lots of places that this thread went wrong. To start on our side - had the posters here been mindful of our words then perhaps we would not have come across as spiteful as we were. Sometimes it's easy to forget that Blizzard wants the same things we do - a game that is functional, balanced, and most important fun.

For the development side, I think had full disclosure been given from the start, the community reaction would not have been so grave. Had your first post stated what was in your last, then I doubt there would have been as much of an issue. Yes some would have been upset, but it seems unlikely that it would have been as strong as it was.

No harm done, amigo. I constantly learn on these forums that quick answers are seldom sufficient.

I do continually try to stress that logical arguments will win out over fiery emotions on these forums every time. As often happens, people at Blizzard were reading the thread and so we started discussing the issue until we came up with a solution. The system worked in this case, but it would have worked without responses like the following.

Q u o t e:
They never intended to fix the issue instead they want us to stop playing moonkins. I really dont see why we are in the game anymore.

We do not need silly stuff like this on the forums. Please do not make us ban our way towards that goal.

Q u o t e:
Any updates would be greatly appreciated GC.

We have a fix for the current set bonus to make it work the way you imagine it should at a 7 or 8% proc chance. It's our policy not to announce patch dates ahead of time, but it will be long before 3.2.

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