Thursday, July 9, 2009

Guide to Arathi Basin

The Arathi Basin is one of the main staging points of war between the humans and the Forsaken in Azeroth. The League of Arathor seek to reclaim lost lands for their benefactors in Stormwind, while the Defilers elite troopers under the watchful eye of Varimathras seek to sever the vital connection between the humans and their dwarven allies to the south.

15 Player Battleground
How to Win
The goal of Arathi Basin is to gain 2000 (1600 in patch 3.2) Resources to win the battleground, the only way to gain resources in the battleground is to captuer points inside the game. There are 5 Main Points.

- Stables
- Farm
- Blacksmith
- Lumber Mill
- Mine

The More resources you have caputred the faster your resoure count will go up. Therfore if your team has 3 resources and the opposing team has 2, you will eventually win the game if you hold those resources.

Level Bracket


Arathi Basin All-Star
Assault and Defend 2 bases in a single Arathi Basin match.
Arathi BasinBoth20Arathi Basin

Arathi Basin Assassin
Get five honorable kills at each of the bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.
Arathi BasinBoth20Arathi Basin

Arathi Basin Perfection
Win Arathi Basin with a score of 2000 to 0.
Arathi BasinBoth20Arathi Basin

Arathi Basin Veteran
Complete 100 victories in Arathi Basin.
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

Arathi Basin Victory
Win Arathi Basin.
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

Disgracin' The Basin
Assault 3 bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

Let's Get This Done
Win Arathi Basin in 6 minutes.
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

Master of Arathi Basin
Complete the Arathi Basin achievements listed below.
Arathi BasinAlliance25Arathi Basin

Master of Arathi Basin
Complete the Arathi Basin achievements listed below.
Arathi BasinHorde25Arathi Basin

Me and the Cappin' Makin' it Happen
Take 50 flags in Arathi Basin.
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

Overly Defensive
Defend 3 bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

Resilient Victory
Overcome a 500 resource disadvantage in a match of Arathi Basin and claim victory.
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

Territorial Dominance
Win 10 Arathi Basin matches while controlling all 5 flags.
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

The Conqueror
Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.

Horde20Player vs. Player

The Justicar
Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.

Alliance20Player vs. Player

To The Rescue!
Come to the defense of a base in Arathi Basin 50 times by recapping the flag.
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

We Had It All Along *cough*
Win Arathi Basin by 10 points (2000 to 1990).
Arathi BasinBoth10Arathi Basin

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