Friday, June 12, 2009

The Resto Druid Guide, Speccing your Druid

Well now that we are getting all of our class guides going i figured i might as well start my restoration one up too, i just wanted to let everyone know i will do this post every Friday from now on talking about the resto druid, as i have many other post to cover on this blog as well. Today i am gonna talk about my spec and how to spec your druid as well, i will provide links to my armory page so everyone can check it out and take a look at my glyphs. Now the restoration spec for the druid is one of the easiest spec's to come up with and they can have a small variety without hurting much of your healing. Here is a link to my Armory Page. Restoration druids are very easy to spec, that is if you know your class and your stats well. Then again if you don't, that is why i am here to help you! =) Alright, click here for the talent tree i suggest. Now, this talent build is for haste and spell power, but watch out on the haste you do not want to stack to much, i was just recently looking into this and found this out.

Haste rating
32.79 haste rating increases your haste by 1%. If you have Gift of the Earthmother, you need 15.38% haste to get to a 1 second global cooldown, or 505 haste rating. Wrath of Air totem provides 5% haste (164 haste rating) and improved Moonkin aura provides 3% haste (98 haste rating). This all stacks, so if you have Gift of the Earthmother, the totem and the aura you only need 243 haste rating to get to a 1 second gcd.

Now if you have all these options in your raid and you know you will have them every night, then go ahead and have that ammount of haste. If not you may want to get some more, if you find yourself with too much haste you can take talent points out of Gift of the Earthmother in the Restoration Talent Tree, and then you can put them in Tranqil Spirit which will help your mana out a bit. Now there isint much more to talk about with the druid spec, there is also a crit spec you can go into for a crit restoration druid but i dont feel that is effective as if you want to be a good restortation druid you should go haste and spell power, and then just spell power after you are good on the haste cap which is not much. Now if you guys have any questions at all feel free to leave a comment or email me at you can also ask any other class questions there if you feel the need and we will have them anwserd on the podcast by our class bloggers.

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