Saturday, June 20, 2009

You and patch 3.2: A resto druid guide

Hello everyone and welcome to your restoration druid guide for patch 3.2. There are not very many changes taking place in patch 3.2 for us restoration druids and other healers. There are a few changes although coming in patch 3.2 and i am here to guide you through them.

Replenishment: This buff now grants 1% of the target's maximum mana over 5 seconds instead of 0.25% per second. This applies to all 5 sources of Replenishment (Vampiric Touch, Judgements of the Wise, Hunting Party, Enduring Winter Frostbolts and Soul Leech).

Well, this is a very small nerf, not too much to be concerned about thought, in this case we will get 0.25% less mana from each of these, seeing how we god 1.25% mana before. Should not be too much of a concern but it could force you to put in some gems for your mana. Be prepared for this change but if you dont have problems with mana now i would not worry about it, its not too much to effect us and if it does you can just change a couple gems or your spec up.
Innervate: Duration reduced to 10 seconds, and cooldown reduced to 3 minutes. This means each use of Innervate will give half as much mana as before, but it will be available twice as often.

Not a change here at all, Innervate is on a 6 minute cooldown right now and last 20 seconds, this shouldent effect anyone too much but you will have to split up the mana, now you will only get half your mana back from what you recieved before, depending on how much your innervate restores with you, try using it at the right time. Say you have 20k mana now and innervate restores all 20k mana within the 20 seconds, that is 1k mana per second not including what you are using while casting, when this change comes, use it at 8k to 10k mana or so, so you will be back at full mana and you will be able to use it again when the cooldown is up. This is also good so you have more chances using it on different people other than yourself.
Lifebloom: The final heal that occurs when this spell blooms has been reduced by 20% on the base and on the spell power coefficient.

A small nerf but once again not too big, it does take away the oh shit bloom if the tanks get low and its ready to bloom, but you dont use lifebloom much on the raid and you keep it stacked always on the tank and never let it bloom.
Empowered Touch: Now also increases the amount of bonus healing effects for Nourish by 10/20%.

A lot of people were not specced into empowered touch, and now should deffinently spec into it, before this patch it only increased the amount of bonus healing effects by healing touch, but now increases it by 20% with nourish too, which is a great raid healing tool. Check your spec and find a way to fit this in there, i will have a spec already set up in future guides before the patch hits.
Improved Barkskin: No longer provides dispel resistance to all effects on the druid, but now reduces the chance your Barkskin is dispelled by an additional 35/70%.

Not really a change for PvE druids but PvP druids, and i dont know much about PvP on my druid since i dont do it alot, cant help ya here sorry. =D

This guide will be updated if there are any changes what so ever made in the patch notes, which im sure there will be since we do have awhile before. Also if you have any questions you can always email me at and i will be more than happy to answer your question.

1 comment:

  1. Thx for the post...I am a noob at healing, really. I've only been healing for about-hmm-I'll say 20 or so levels on my druid (Twinked out with heirlooms of course :D). I have a level 40 resto druid, and am still trying to learn the proper spell rotation, gear to get, and talents to choose. If you ever wanna talk to me, give me tips, whatever, I'm on realm Norgannon and my name is Morphsalot.

    Thanks again for the posts,
    -Nickelodean the 80 mage
