Friday, June 12, 2009

Leading a raid difficult? For some people, perhaps...

So, I was finding it difficult to discover a topic on what to blog about today, and I just found one this evening.

I was in a recent Ulduar 10 man PUG, and honestly, it was going pretty well. We downed Flame Levi with one tower up, downed Razorscale through Kologarn on our first try, and even got Auriaya down. The thing is, the whole way through, the raid leader, well, let's just say he must have had something crawl up his ass, latch on the inside with some sharp claws, and then proceed to spin counter-clockwise until satisfied.

It started with Flame Leviathan. The raid leader, who will remain unnamed of course, was talking about having to speak to Brann Bronzebeard before they started the gauntlet, because apparently "you can tell him to just destroy all of the towers for you and then you can just go straight to the boss". Honestly, I have never heard of this before, but I went along with it. We got to Flame Leviathan (with all four towers at full health in clear view) and began the encounter, with Flame Levi having almost 90 million health going into the fight. Of course, we wiped. the raid leader had claimed that he forgot to talk to Bronzebeard. Hmm...

We moved on through Razorscale to Deconstructor, where I was asked to be the main tank. I accepted and then probably blanked out from his explanation of the boss fight to the pugs, but my conscience came back when he asked me to tank the boss over on the left side wall in-between the two trash heaps. What's wrong with this picture? -_-

Anyway, the raid leader claimed that adds wouldn't spawn from the two closest trash heaps while the boss was standing near them, giving the adds from the other piles a great amount of time to make it to the boss. For those of you that are clueless about boss mechanics in World of Warcraft, this seems like a pretty messed up idea. Why would the boss' position make a difference on what corners adds would come out of? Surprisingly, his claim seemed to come true, because no adds appeared out of the 2 closest corners. Still, I don't see why we could have just did it the normal way and tanked him on the stairs, but I will give him credit for discovering this.

Later on, he was trying to organize the complicated pull for Auriaya by having the main tank stand out of LoS and pick up the boss plus one add while the other tank stands on the other side and taunts the second add to him, at range. At the same time, a hunter was made to misdirect the boss to the main tank while the main tank is supposed to aggro the skull somehow before it pounces the initial aggroing hunter. Once again, what is wrong with this picture? Rather, this probably isn't called a picture, but more like a bunch of paint buckets randomly thrown at a wall.

I digress; my point is that I'm all for trying new things, but when there is a well-known method of doing a boss fight that always works if everyone performs effectively, why not just do that instead of being a stubborn prick and sticking to your own seemingly complicated ways? Even when facing suggestions from other raid members, why would you just go off and say, "F*** that, we're doing it this way. Just do it."?

In my opinion, in order to be a good and effective raid leader, you should be willing to take some criticisms if you are doing something wrong. You may have your own methods and they may work sometimes, but when you're running an instance with 2 healers (most I've heard of for Ulduar 10 man run 3 healers) and trying to risk wipes by trying methods that hardly anyone outside of your guild has ever heard of, you're definitely doing something wrong. You shouldn't be a stubborn jackass and just run the raid with an iron fist to the point where it's "your way or the highway".

Also, don't yell in Vent. It hurts your ears. :(

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