Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekly Q & A

Hello everyone, i am here this week with a question that someone has asked, if you wish to submit your own question to be answered in a post then please email at with your question, feel free to leave your name/server if you want to be mentioned.

hey, ive got a resto druid and i dinged 80 a few days ago i just wanted to ask basicly how to heal 10 man raids, i raided naxx yesterday and it went ok but not great, i just wanted to know the basics of what heals to use on tanks in boss fights and what to use on the rest of the raid and how to save mana ect. Thx and is there anyway on the vuhdo addon that you can change it so it doesnt have to click to heal? so its just click to target then u press the heal you want? thx man
First, gratz on level 80!!! Healing 10 man raids can sometimes be a straight up pain in the ass, the mana regen in 10 man raids is horrible, you will have to manage to get around this. Healing the tanks is a rather easy job, start out with Regrowth, then rejuvenation, and then stack lifebloom up 3 times on the tank and never let it fall off unless the tank is low on HP. If the tank takes more damage then your hots are healing through then use Nourish on them every now and then, make sure you dont let your hots fall off. When your healing the raid use rejuvenation and Nourish on them, if you have good mana and think you can handle it use rejuvenation on the whole raid since you are in a 10 man, or keep it on the five people that are taking most damage. You can also use regrowth on the raid which does the same thing as nourish and rejevenation all in one cast and it is a longer hot. Its very hard to Regen your mana in 10 mans especially if you are under geared, use your Innervate and of course bring Runic Mana Potion, gem up your gear with the right gems you need, and of course use a Flask of Pure Mojo. Now with Vuhdo, if you go into the settings by click the button on the minimap or typeing /vuhdo , you can change what buttons are used to heal, therefore you can just make the button left click target the person by typing in the boss Target, and then just leave all the other boxes blank. You can get more help on that with my Youtube Tutorial. If you have anymore questions just email me @ everyone else feel free to also send in your questions/comments/concerns/suggestions/etc....

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