Sunday, June 7, 2009

Zarhym Gives us some info on Isle of Conquest

  • 8. Re: Can we have more info on Isle of Conquest 06/05/2009 01:35:02 PM PDT
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Q u o t e:
Location? Server only?

I need more information the quicker the better.

We're working on putting together some more information for players on Isle of Conquest. It can take some time to get everything put together if we want to try and give some visuals, as we need to make sure all art assets are there.

It is a battleground and will be a part of the cross-realm battleground system just like all others.

  • 11. Re: Can we have more info on Isle of Conquest 06/05/2009 01:39:07 PM PDT
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Q u o t e:

Are you going to be changing any of the old battlegrounds while you add in this new one? AV still needs some fixing and AB has been the same for years.

Probably not in the manner you're suggesting, though we do have some other ideas for reviewing the current battleground system. We'll share any available details with you as soon as we are able. :)
  • 22. Re: Can we have more info on Isle of Conquest 06/05/2009 01:51:08 PM PDT
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Q u o t e:

Does it take place on some sort of Island?

Will there be Conquesting involved somehow?

If "conquest" means the ability to catapult or parachute players behind enemy lines, then yes.
  • 29. Re: Can we have more info on Isle of Conquest 06/05/2009 01:54:23 PM PDT
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Q u o t e:

really? are there really people that enjoy these piles of garbage?

Dearest random alt,

Many people enjoy these piles of garbage. :p
  • 41. Re: Can we have more info on Isle of Conquest 06/05/2009 02:02:11 PM PDT
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Q u o t e:
Are we possibly going to get flying vehicles i know this was a idea for wotlk you can actually see flying vehicles in wg in the game thing(manual or somthin) Will flying vehicles be put in it? or sometime during wotlk? this was one idea that actually looked pretty cool

There won't be flying vehicles along the lines of what was available in Wintergrasp during Wrath beta.
  • 46. Re: Can we have more info on Isle of Conquest 06/05/2009 02:04:30 PM PDT
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Q u o t e:

give us an idea where on azeroth it is located.

Well... it's an isle. ;)
  • 54. Re: Can we have more info on Isle of Conquest 06/05/2009 02:07:49 PM PDT
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Q u o t e:

why were flying vehicles never implemented anyways?

Tom Chilton explained it better than I could in a fairly recent BlizzCast interview:

Relevant portion:

Q u o t e:
Bornakk: Before Wrath of the Lich King came out there was talk of aerial combat in Wintergrasp and in the game in general with some goblin anti-air shredder being put in the game. Howling Fjord showed some footage of this as well. What happened with aerial combat and do we still plan to put it into the game?

Tom Chilton: Well the aerial combat that we had in Wintergrasp we just ended up feeling wasn’t really polished enough for the final experience. We gave it a shot with the vehicle technology that we had but ultimately it was a little goofy that you could crash your airplane into the ground and nothing bad would really happen. Then also the kind of sense of flying really wasn’t there enough.

If you look at a lot of games that have done flight simulation, there is a lot of care that goes into giving you that sensation of flying by having the world tilt and stuff like that so it feels a little less mechanical, feels a little bit more alive or more natural. So one of the things that we have kind of tasked ourselves with doing is figuring out how to polish that, how to improve on our vehicle physics, there’s still a lot of vehicle physics tech that we want to get in that didn’t make it into the first pass of Lich King.

So we have to make some tough decisions sometimes about what we are going to go forward with and what just isn’t working out well enough to meet our quality standards and that was one of them. So it’s still definitely on our list of things that we want to do, we have a lot of people here who are passionate about vehicle combat, passionate about making it more interesting, more fun, by increasing the number of things we can do with it – that would definitely include the possibility of doing aerial combat.

Well that is some of the stuff that was posted while i was gone over the weekend, rather interesting to learn about the new battleground, sounds very exciting and i cant wait. =)

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